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There. This page is up now. finally.
Well, this page is finally up and running. I'll probably get hate mail for it, from christians who think i'm promoting satanism (read below), and from Wiccans who hate the page content. Well, I really don't have the time to elaborate on this page as much as I would like. Very busy with the rest of the site as well. When the rest of the site is up and running, I'll be able to add more content to this page. If any of you have anything that you would like to add to this page, then email me here. Thanks for stopping by.

Witchcraft? Huh?

Witchcraft, or Wicca, as it is known, is actually a very real religion today. Before you go off and denounce it as a cult, you should know that the United States Military and even Prison Systems have recognized this as a religion. What is it? Wicca is a nature/divinity based, positive religion, that promotes peace, harmony, and betterment of self. From my knowledge, that is my definition. But if you talk to 50 different Wiccans (practicioners of Witchcraft or Wicca), you will get 50 different answers. And like christianity, there are also many different denominations, or practices. One of the fundamental beleifs of Wicca is this - everything you do will come back to you times 3. Therefore, it would be pretty stupid for a Wiccan to go around casting cursed on people, believing that it will come back to them threefold.

Ah, there is so much to say about this subject. I could fill up all of these pages on this alone. But I haven't the time, energy, or patience to stick to this subject for that length of time. If you are really interested in this topic, I have various links splashed throughout this page. If you know nothing about Wicca, and would like a way to ease into the topic, click here.

  Are witches real?

In short, yes. But todays practitioners of witchcraft are not the "secret black and midnight hags", if I may steal a quote from Shakespeare. Witchcraft, or Wicca, as it is now called, is very far from what many people beleive it to be.

The most common misconceptions are:

1. Satanism Witches (or Wiccans) do not believe or worship the Devil.

2. Sacrifices Never has there ever been an animal even minorly hurt by a practitioner of Wicca. You may have heard differently, but whoever it was was not practicing Wicca.

3. Orgies You often hear of "dancing naked under the full moon light". Many Wiccans do have liberal views of the human body, which I will not get into here, but there are no Orgies.

Basically, Wiccans are normal, everyday people. The cop who gives you a ticket, your boss, the girl who bags your groceries, could all be practitioners of the ancient art that is known as Witchcraft. There is nothing negative, and most Wiccans that you meet are very nice, balanced, easy going people, who will give you a hand without a second thought. For and entire network of Wicca and Witchcraft, click here.

In other Witchy news...
One of the major Wiccan Sabbats is coming. Yes! I mean Halloween, or as the witches call it, Samhain (sow-in). Got any plans? Well, your OtherWorld Web Staff would love to hear about them, so email us here. And that is the latest OtherWorld Witch report. Have a Happy Halloween!


Sun Dragon Wicca Page


The Pentacle
When dealing with most sections of the occult, you will probably see this symbol somewhere. No, it is not Satanic thing or whatever you want to beleive. It is called a Pentacle, not a pentagram. You can find more information on this by going here.