
What This Is

What's Going On

Contact Us




What this web site is about and why:
I suppose I should let you all know why I am doing this.

Things that go bump in the night. Fears, Fantasies, and Freaks. I hope that You can use this site to educate yourself about a few topics. I also would like to answer a few questions, make you think, and keep some certain mysteries alive. I have always been interested in the "paranormal". Although if more people were interested in it, I don't think that it would have received that term. As you navigate your way through this page, you will find tons of links. Some hidden, and some Obvious. Just about every picture will be linked to something pertaining to that picture. At this point, I'm really not sure what, though. Down below, you will see some general contact information for those of you who wish to contact me. and right now, i can't think of much else to post here, so enjoy my site and thanks for stopping by.

I don't really know if that cleared it up for all of you, so...
To review, I built this site based on my interests. So that I could have a place to store that Information that I gather and share It with others. end of story.


still working out the bugs on that one. sorry.
I'll probably put a link here, but not yet.